Help for anxiety.

Experiencing stress and anxiety is a very NORMAL part of life. Oddly enough, both can actually be beneficial in many different situations. Stress occurs from an external source/event while anxiety is an internal experience. The emotion of anxiety, and the stress response (fight/flight/freeze) evolved to keep us safe and adapt to changes in our environment. If we didn’t have access to our stress response, we wouldn’t know to run away from a bear charging us in the woods or move to shelter during a tornado. A certain amount of stress and anxiety can help us anticipate what will happen next, become more attuned to our surroundings, and stay organized. Anxiety can also help us determine what isn’t working in our lives by pushing us to examine the root cause of our challenges and make necessary changes. It’s when this internal experience becomes a chronic experience that we start to run into trouble.

Up to 20% of adults are affected by an anxiety disorder each year. Anxiety disorders are known to be caused by long periods of increased stress, chronic health conditions, childhood adversity, genetics, past trauma (emotional abuse/physical abuse), major life transitions, ignored emotions, chaotic environments, and substance abuse. Anxiety disorders cause significant distress and impairment in social and occupational areas, and also, increase the likelihood of depression, insomnia, drug and alcohol use, GI problems, social isolation, issues functioning at school/work, impaired quality of life, and suicidal thoughts.

Symptoms of anxiety.


Feeling Keyed Up or On Edge

Difficulty Controlling Worry

Being Easily Fatigued

Difficulty Concentrating

Mind Going Blank

Racing Thoughts


Muscle Tension

Rapid Breathing

Increased Heart Rate


Sleep Disturbance

Avoiding Social Situations

How therapy can help.

At the Feel Better Company, we take an integrative and personalized approach to treating anxiety. Unless you’re looking for a brief solution focused outcome, this process isn’t just about learning coping skills to mitigate the symptoms you’re experiencing. At FBC, we tailor treatment to your individual needs and have a variety of evidence based tools to utilize throughout the course of your treatment. Modalities: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Parts Work, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Treating Anxiety takes a holistic approach by:

Developing a toolbox of easily accessible skills to increase states of calm and relaxation by releasing tension in the mind and body

Identifying and processing the root cause of where the anxiety started

Challenging unhelpful thoughts that are getting in your way

Increasing your emotional awareness to better track and understand your moment to moment experience

Identifying your values and looking deeper to feel more confident and grounded in who you are

Utilizing Measurement Based Care via Blueprint Health

There are parts of this journey that may be a bit uncomfortable, but with the right mix of a strong therapeutic relationship, and the motivation to overcome your challenges, you WILL experience change.

Schedule a session.

If you’ve experienced any of the symptoms above, and believe you might be struggling with anxiety, reach out for a brief consultation.

If you’re in crisis and need immediate assistance, please call 988 or text HOME to 741741. 

If you’re in medical crisis, please call 911 or find your nearest Emergency Room.